SP, I love you.
Look at the goodies I got today!

Know what that gorgeous purple yarn is? Are you sitting? It is Koigu. Koigu...the crack of yarn. It is so beautiful, I can't even stand it. I LOVE purple. I LOVE soft yarn. Purple soft yarn? Bliss, I tell you. There is also hot chocolate (one packet is now gone) and way cute stitch markers. Oh yea, and Sadie's big head. He would not leave me alone while I was trying to take pictures. SP, you rock!! I have wanted to try Koigu forever. I know exactly what I'll be making, too.
Alison's ankle socks. Thank you so very much, you made my day :)
Progress continues on the current socks. I'm past the heel turn and gusset and now down the stretch for the foot. The yarn is weird. I've had to cut it at one point because the color patterning was off. On one sock, orange was next. On the other, pink. After all the effort I've gone into to make them match, I wasn't going to screw it up now. Normally, I don't care, but I wanted these to match.

For all the work I did over the weekend, I got a lot of knitting done. I knit late into the night on Saturday and worked car detailing (waxing a car is hard freaking work) on Sunday. Cute, huh? I love making socks. Since I'll be making the Koigu ankle socks and probably need to use dpns, I can cast on for another pair on the circulars from the Fixation yarn my wonder SP5 friend,
Cece sent me. I've been a little nervous to try the fixation because of the elastic, but I really love the color of the yarn and need to just suck it up and try.
Thank you again, Secret Pal!!
Posted by Heather at 7:07 PM
It's Friday, baby!
What a long week! Is it just me, or has this week dragged on FOR.EV.ER? Ugh. Thank you so much for all of your kind comments. I am so happy about my car, I can't even begin to tell you. I keep thinking about this summer and how I might not actually be able to
make beef jerky in my car. This could be the first summer without be becoming a miserable shrew every day when I drive home from work.
Other than hanging out with my knitter friends, I haven't knit or crocheted all week. That is just sad. I'm thinking I'll have to make up some knitting time this weekend. Right after I handwash and wax my baby. Did I mention yet that I LOVE my car? Not just short-term lust, this is full-out love. I freak out about every spec of dust and lint on the seat. I'm contemplating seat covers and Scotchguarding everything. Yes, I am a freak.
Even though I haven't had time to knit, progress on the socks is moving fast. I'm working on the heels and should be able to turn them this weekend. I think the foot goes quite quickly, so I'll bet that I should have a pair of socks to wear on Monday.
If I don't knit a car cozy, that is. Heh
Posted by Heather at 11:02 AM
My new baby
I am SO happy! Last night (at 10:30, ugh!) I
delivered brought home my new baby.

A 2006 Hyundai Santa Fe, in Nautical Blue. With tan interior, in case you were wondering. It might as well have been a delivery for how long it took. And that was with being friends with the dealer and having everything all set up for us!! 3
hours. But, she is all mine now. I'm so excited, this is my first brand new car in like 18 years. So that is what that "new car smell" is!
I love her. Now, she needs a name. And my Steelers license plate.
Posted by Heather at 7:24 AM
2 Socks on 2 Circulars
I've received a few emails asking for tips on knitting 2 socks on 2 circulars, so here goes.
1 - Learn how to knit 1 sock on 2 circulars from
Cat's book, Socks Soar on Two Circular Needles. I only wish there were more pictures in her book.
2 - Patience, patience, patience. While it isn't really hard to learn, I did really have to take my time to figure out what the heck I was doing. The first inch sucks, but then again I thought it did on dpns, too.
3 - I used
Sheron's 2 Socks on 2 Circulars Class. She is great at explaining the technique.
4 - One huge tip she gives - You either change yarn or needles when at the end of a section, never both.
5 - When turning the needles, alternate clockwise and counter clockwise to help the twisting of your yarn.
6 - And probably the most important tip of all, don't even bother knitting socks on circulars without using Addis. Believe me, I tried and it sucked. If you are looking for a cheap source for Addis,
jeff_wonderland on ebay has great prices and fast (and cheap) shipping (even though he is in Hong Kong). The join is perfect for all that moving around and the tips aren't so sharp you wind up with injuries (don't ask).
If I can help it, I'm never knitting socks again on dpns or one at a time. I'm so excited that when I finish the toe, I'll have a complete pair of socks.
13 days...2 hours... I need to find some yellow and black sock yarn. Preferably cotton. Any ideas?
Posted by Heather at 2:26 PM
Super Bowl Bound!!!

What a game!! I am SO proud of my team!! Super Bowl Party at my house, baby!!
Yea....I cried. It's been 10 years (and we lost to the Cowgirls then). 10 long years. I am so freaking happy!!!
Posted by Heather at 5:52 PM
Slippers and socks
Brian wanted me first to thank everyone for their compliments on the cat tree. He made another one today for his parents. Their cats, not them. And I want to thank you for not thinking I was nuts about the salad thing. Well, I'm nuts, but it isn't because of the salad. It's probably because my food can't touch. But that's a whole 'nuther subject.
As promised, before shots of the Princess Slippers.

And after, being modeled by said Princess. She doesn't want you to know, though, that her shirt didn't match the slippers.

I love this pattern. She has barely taken them off since they dried. Can you believe it? It is truly a miracle.
Since I could cross another project off the list, I decided to cast on for socks. Now, I love making socks. The first one. The second one? Not so much. Thanks to
Illana, I learned how to knit socks on 2 circulars. Thereby eliminating the chance I'd impale myself
again with an errant dpn. I love knitting socks on 2 circs. And then, I found out you could knit
two socks at once. Oh the joy! Then I tried it. And after spending a couple of hours feeling like I was some kind of retarded spider spinning a deflicted web, I gave up. It was a mess. Everything was tangled and twisted. This time, however, I was determined. I didn't learn to knit overnight, I would just have to take my time and learn a new technique. And...it worked!! It all clicked this time and now I feel like Charlotte the talking spider spinning my web (bear with me, there is little excitement here at Casa de Cranky Teenagers). Lookie here! We have socks!

Is that cool, or what? Good thing I went to yoga today to stretch so I can successfully pat myself on the back. It is still a little fiddly, but I rather fiddle than knit a second sock. I'm sure with time I'll get better.
16 hours and 49 minutes. I'm never going to sleep tonight. Do me a favor, whatever you did last Sunday, please repeat it exactly. Not that I'm superstitious or anything. Ignore the fact that we are having the exact breakfast as last Sunday, wearing the same clothes (ok, that isn't a stretch...I'll be in my jersey) and lighting the same yellow candle (think I'm kidding?).
In the event that something happens tomorrow that shouldn't (I'm not even going to say it), I will be blogging from the mental wing of Chandler Hospital.
Posted by Heather at 7:57 PM
I can hear you...
I'm just sitting here in my lonely little office eating my lunch, when I can hear my salad talking to me. It is mocking me. You see, I'm trying to be a little more healthy these days. Eating better, going to the gym...the usual January bs with hopefully a better outcome this time 'round. So, I'm eating my lovely little salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and field greens. Field greens. What the hell are field greens? Because, let me tell you, this little one right on my fork looks like weed (not THAT kind of weed, it would be a far better lunch if it were that kind. But then I would be paranoid someone would KNOW.) In fact, it looks alot like dandelion leaves. And the other one looks like some wildflower stem. Mother Nature must be laughing her ass off. Don't you remember your dad in the yard with the spray bottle vowing to kill all the dandelions if it's the last thing he does? I sure do. And now they are being cultivated for my salad. But they are probably some kind of
special dandelion/weed/field green. Yep, she is laughing at me, alright.
See what happens when I'm alone all day, obsessing about a game in 48 hours and 7 minutes?
Wow...I wonder what the entree in the black plastic microwavable plate has to say.
Posted by Heather at 12:47 PM
Me me me
Yep, another meme. I love these things. Thanks to
Jen for her addition to this one. Plus, its another excuse not to work. Because it is Friday and my game starts in 49 hours. And 20 minutes. Not that I'm counting.
4 jobs you have had:Collection agent (I hated that job)
Accounts Payable at a nursing home (hated it, people died every day and I cried)
McDonald's french fry wench
Ice cream scooper
4 movies you could watch over and over: The entire Lord of the Rings trilogy
The first Matrix
Sense and Sensibility
Office Space
4 TV shows you love to watch:Lost
Survivor (I haven't missed an episode yet. That is sad. LOL)
Miami Ink
And a fifth, because I said so - The Daily Show. I :heart: Jon Stewart
4 5 places you have been on vacation:San Diego
4 websites you visit daily:Lots of blogs
4 of your favorite foods:chips
soft bread with real butter
4 places you would rather be right now:Pinetop, Arizona
visiting my dad
at knitting with my friends
4 favorite books:A Million Little Pieces & its sequel My Friend Leonard
Harry Potter series
The Fifth Sacred Thing by Starhawk (I think I have read this 4 times now)
Almost anything by Carl Hiaasen (you have to have lived in Florida to really love him)
4 bloggers you are tagging: No one, wanna do it? Have at it. Did I mention I'm so freaking happy it is Friday? And with this meme, I burned 9 minutes off the clock.
Posted by Heather at 11:33 AM
The week in review
Been an odd sort of week. The Princess has commenced sucking up to get off grounding (not working), my mom is out of the hospital (for now) and work is busy, but boring.
Since I was off Thursday and Friday due to the migraine from hell, I came in on Monday. Brian stayed home with the teenagers and completed this.

Is that freaking amazing, or what? I bought him (ok, he bought it because I couldn't have carried it and I didn't know what set to get) a power tool set he had been
begging for wanting for a long time. He took shop all through high school and has been wanting to build some things. This is his first project. I am in awe. The cats
love it. They sleep on it, play on it and hardly leave to eat. Sadie (the white one) used to sleep with the Star every night. He is pissed because now Sadie wants to sleep on the tree. What is Brian making next? A loft bed for the Star. Is he amazing, or what?
Me? I finished the Princess' slippers. She claims to love them, however after 2 days they are still drying. Let's see if she wears them longer than the time it took to make them and let them dry. They are pretty cute. I'll get a picture with her in them when they dry.
My job is a little boring these days. I'm the sole employee here and where my office is, I'm usually the only one in the building. Nice and quiet, yes. But I don't have a big project to work on and frankly, I'm a little burnt out. I could use a weekend in Pinetop (where we share a house with my in-laws) of doing nothing but sitting on the porch swing (where Brian proposed...awwwww) and knitting.
50 hours and 30 minutes until the Steeler game. I can't wait, but I'm so nervous. The entire season lies with this game. Can we beat Denver? I'm either going to be posting on Sunday after partying all day, or I'll be in bed with the phone off and the covers over my head trying not to cry. Yes, I'm an obsessed fan.
Posted by Heather at 10:25 AM
Support the Cause!

And boycott Sew Fast Sew Easy Inc. (like I even knew who they were before all this crap started). Things in this crazy world never cease to amaze me.
And a quick thank you to everyone for your support. My mom is out of the hospital (for now) and the Princess is seeing the error of her ways. And the Steelers play again on Sunday. Life does get better.
Posted by Heather at 11:40 AM
Ups and downs
The last several days have been very trying. A 3 day migraine. The Princess getting in HUGE trouble for something I never thought she would pull. My mother is in the hospital for what might very well be the last time. Friday was about the worst day I've had in a very long (and what I hope will be an even longer time).
But, this weekend has been better. I spent the better part of yesterday morning taking down the Christmas crap then spent the rest of the day knitting and trying to relax. It is so relaxing for me to listen Cast On! on my iPod while I knit (ok, maybe not with 5 interruptions from the Star to give me a play-by-play of his Halo game). And I finally have something to show for my efforts.
Remember this?

Well, I took out the border and added about 4 more sets of repeats. It just wasn't big enough for the way I wanted to wear it. I love the pattern, but I was pretty sick of knitting it. I finally finished last night, with probably 5 yards of yarn to spare.

Quite a bit bigger. And I blocked the heck out of it. I can't wait to see how it comes off the blocking board. I highly recommend this for first-time lace knitters. I'd make it again, but no time soon.
And, the weekend did end on a very happy note. My Steelers won!! In a heart-stopping final 5 minutes, we beat the Colts!! My heart went out to Tony Dungy, though. But we won!! Proof that things do get better. Next week, the Broncos.
Posted by Heather at 3:50 PM
The Curse
The Princess has stolen my slippers (I'm sure there is some warped fairy tale in there, somewhere). Anytime they are off my feet, they are on hers. She wants her own pair. In light pink and hot pink, knit just like mine. Which would be fine, if there wasn't The Curse.
What is The Curse, you so innocently ask? Ahh...you must have never knit for a teenage girl (or soon to be teenager someday, right Sarah?). You see, if I make them, the minute they are off the needles, she won't like them anymore. Ask her about the camouflage (her pick, not mine) tank top she HAD to have that I crocheted for her. Or the calf-length cardigan thing (knitting machine, I'm not that stupid). Or the red, white and blue sweater she "really loves, Mom". All worn once, at the most. She loves whatever item I'm making until it comes time for her to actually WEAR said item.
Do I assume the curse has worn off since I've refused to make her anything in the last 3 years? Do I make them knowing that they won't match my robe when I wind up getting them back?
Or do I make them because I love her so very much that you know damn well I'm going to the yarn store at lunch?
And have just broken diet number 2 (damn peanut butter cups).
Posted by Heather at 1:25 PM
Knitting by the glow of the...iPod?
Thanks to the psycho cat brothers, Sadie (Yea, I know. Hey, Pet not-so Smart thought he was a girl when he was a baby, too!) and Tigger and not feeling so great, I found myself wide awake 7ish on Sunday morning. With a quiet house. With everyone asleep. It was bliss, I tell you. So, I curled up on the couch with the Flower Basket Shawl and my iPod. On Saturday I had finally gotten around to uploading all the files into my iPod from a new podcast I found,
Cast On. I love it!! Brenda talks about knitting, a little about her life and plays great indie music and has the loveliest voice to knit to. Before I knew it, I had listened to 2 podcasts and was through one set of repeats on the shawl. I still have a few episodes to listen to and I understand she is going to be putting them out more often. I'm really looking forward to it.
I finished the Felted Clogs over the weekend, too. What a fast knit! Fun to knit, too. You have to pay attention to the shaping, but, as I have found with other Fiber Trends patterns, the pattern is very well written and if you follow the directions carefully you shouldn't have any problems.
Pre-felted, with a kitty for size perspective (I thought it was hysterical that they could have cared less I was putting things on top of them). Huge, huh?

After several trips in the washing machine, we have slippers! You have to really felt them to death. There are doubled soles on the slipper and they are meant to be felted very tightly.

Aren't they cute? Very, very comfy and because I kept putting them on as they dried (which only took a day since it is so freaking dry here), they are molded to my feet.
I used Brown Sheep Nature Spun yarn. You have to use 2 strands, held together, for the entire slipper. It took 2 skeins of the dark blue for the soles and the one strand of the body. Less than 1 skein of the light blue for the one strand of the body. I'll be adding some puffy paint to the bottom of the slipper so I don't bust my arse on the tile.
2 balls gone out of the stash...too many more left to count.
Posted by Heather at 7:57 PM
SP7 Questionnaire
Yep...I've signed up again.
1. Are you a yarn snob (do you prefer higher quality and/or natural fibers)? Do you avoid Red Heart and Lion Brand? I believe every yarn has it's purpose. I used to like Red Heart, but they changed the yarn and it is too scratchy now. I like some Lion Brand, but they seem to lean toward novelty yarns, which I don't like.
2. Do you spin? Crochet? I've thought about learning to spin, but I just don't have the time. I've been crocheting since I was a little girl but I hardly crochet anymore since it seems to bother my wrists.
3. What do you use to store your needles/hooks in? My circulars are in a wrap my friend Kelli gave me for my birthday, my dpns are in a box my friend Pam gave me and my crochet hooks are in the tackle box I use for all my knitting/crochet tools.
4. How long have you been knitting? Would you consider your skill level to be beginner, intermediate or advanced? I've been knitting for 3 years and I'd consider myself an intermediate knitter. I've been crocheting for over 25 years and consider myself to be an advanced crocheter.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other online wish list? I have a small Amazon list that can be found my searching under my email address (I can't ever get the link to work).
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products etc.) I never wear perfume, but I like lightly things. Soft vanilla, baby powder. I love gingerbread and spicy smelling candles.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Favorite candy? As evidenced by the size of my butt, I do. It's probably better if I don't get anymore!
8. What other crafts or Do-It-Yourself things do you like to do? I like to sew and make beaded jewelery.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? (if your buddy wants to make you a CD) I like all kinds of music. You can find (some) country, a little rap, lots of rock and alternative on my iPod. My computer can play mp3s, but I hardly listen to music on my computer.
10. What's your favorite color? Or--do you have a color family/season/palette you prefer? Any colors you just can't stand? I have lots of favorite colors. I tend to lean toward blues, purples, pinks and fall colors. There isn't really any color I can't stand, but some colors don't belong on certain things (like avocado green on stoves. Gross! Who really thought that ever looked good?)
11. What is your family situation? Do you have any pets? I live with my hubby, 2 teenagers, 4 cats, 2 fish and a desert tortoise.
12. Do you wear scarves, hats, mittens or ponchos? Not really.
13. What is/are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? I have very sensitive skin and any yarn I use for something worn close to my skin has to be very soft. I prefer cotton yarn and my favorite right now is Catania.
14. What fibers do you absolutely *not* like? Anything scratchy and I don't particularily like novelty yarn.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s? Felted items (have ya seen my bag collection?), shawls and socks.
16. What is/are your favorite item/s to knit? Felted items.
17. What are you knitting right now? See the sidebar for my list of what is on the needles.
18. Do you like to receive handmade gifts? Most definitely.
19. Do you prefer straight or circular needles? Circular only. Straights bother my wrists.
20. Bamboo, aluminum, plastic? Whatever works best with the yarn I'm using.
21. Do you own a yarn winder and/or swift? I own a ball winder and no-so-secretely covet Sarah's swift.
22. How did you learn to knit? From a child's how-to book and my friend Wilma.
23. How old is your oldest UFO? One that I stared - the SWTC test knit. It's boring and crocheting is killing my wrists. I've been slowly working on it for 6 months. One that was gifted to me - a bag of granny squares given to me by my MIL that her mother crocheted during WWII while waiting for her husband to come home. I'm going to make them into a lap blanket one of these days.
24. What is your favorite animated character or a favorite animal/bird? I love Winnie the Pooh, Hello Kitty and quail (yea, quail. They are cute!).
25. What is your favorite holiday? 4th of July, Thanksgiving and my birthday
26. Is there anything that you collect? Thimbles and teapots
27. What knitting magazine subscriptions do you have? None, but I'd love one to IK and Creative Knitting.
28. Any books, yarns, needles or patterns out there you are dying to get your hands on? Koigu - someday I want to have koigu. And a full set of Addi turbos.
29. Are there any new techniques you'd like to learn? Not really.
30. Are you a sock knitter? What are your foot measurements? I love to make socks, I just wish they went faster! My foot is 9½ inches long.
31. When is your birthday? (mm/dd) December 12th
**Edited to add - 32. Any allergies? I'm very allergic to smoke and have a hard time with really strong perfume.
Posted by Heather at 10:54 AM
The diet begins
With a new year brings diets, right? Well, I'm on 2. One for the size of my butt, one for the size of the stash. Heh. Today Brian and I woke up (yep, he went with me) early to head up to Fiber Factory for their annual
yarn hoarding extravaganza sale. My goal was to spend $101 to bring my discount up to the second tier of 25% off. I made a list of all the yarn I hoped would come home with me (I took a week to agonize over this) and we were on our way.
We were 15 minutes early and there was already a line of about 30 people. Brian couldn't believe people were in line that early for yarn. There were several people there from my Crochet Guild and we chatted in eager anticipation for the doors to open. Once they did, everyone calmly walked in and the carnage began! Situated right at the back doors is a wall of Cascade 220 and several of us stopped there. I had hoped to get some light gray, but all 8 skeins were snatched up as I put my hand in the bin. I still managed to get the rest of what I wanted and got dark gray instead. By the time I finished, the store had really packed. There were more people there than I have ever seen before. I managed to get the rest of the things on my list (and pick up blocking wires for my friend,
Illana asked me to pick up for her) and Brian waited in line for me. Here is the haul.

All the Cascade 220 in the back is destined for 3 new felted bags. The turquoise and magenta will be a
felted day pack, the red will team up with some cream in the stash to be a
rick rack bag and the dark gray will be used with some burgundy in the stash to be the same.
The second row is all Encore DK for a few gnomes from the Simply Knitting Christmas insert. I was going to use Dale Ull, but it was more expensive and didn't have that cherry red I wanted.
The front? Sock yarn in cotton. Because I didn't already have enough sock yarn for 6 pairs of socks at home. But this is cotton!
Not too bad, huh? I only need to get white and gray Fun Fur (for the gnomes) because what they had was way over-priced and they didn't have gray. That, combined with the crazy stash, should give me enough variety so that I can stay on the yarn diet all year (oh God, did I really just type that?!?).
The food diet? That is a whole 'nuther story.
Posted by Heather at 11:36 AM
More random blabbering
Life at Casa de la Cranky Teenagers continues. They sleep until noon, do nothing all day and whine about doing 5 minutes of chores or plopping some lettuce on a plate. Life is so difficult, isn't it? Back to school in 3 days. I can't wait! Can I take a day off then?
Things have also quieted down, thank God. I've actually finished 2 books -
A Million Little Pieces and
My Friend Leonard, both by James Frey. I finished the latter at 1am this morning. And cried through the entire end. Both of them are amazing books that have really made an impact on me. I highly recommend both.
I have also been ::gasp:: knitting! I just finished my first Felted Clog (see link in side bar, I'm lazy today) and needed another ball of yarn to start the second. But, when finished, I'll have used 2 skeins from the stash. The pattern is pretty cool. As you are knitting it, you have no idea how it will ever form a clog. But it does! I'll post pictures when I have both done before they get felted.
Also on the needles is the Flower Basket Shawl that has been getting some attention. I'd post an update, but you know lace. Looks like nothing has been accomplished until you block it. But, progress is being made. I just have to figure out how many more repeats I should do for the length I want.
Tomorrow I'll be braving the
other insane fiber freaks crowds and heading over to my LYS,
Fiber Factory for their only sale of the year. Brian bought me a gift certificate and by attending the sale, I'll get the most out of it. And I have vowed that this will be my (try not to faint here my fellow yarn-hoarding sisters) last yarn purchase (other than if I run out for a project, and I don't really see that happening. I tend to over-purchase for projects.) until a SIGNIFICANT dent is made in the stash. I know, it is a bold and drastic statement. But my stash is just ridiculous. I could knit and crochet all year and not use it up. I think there is enough variety in what I have planned for it that I both won't be bored and have some mindless projects as well.
Wow...did I really just say that tomorrow could be my last yarn purchase for a very, very long time? I better learn to knit/crochet faster!!
Posted by Heather at 10:33 AM
Home sweet home
What an amazing vacation we had! We all fell in love with San Diego. It is so beautiful and there is so much to do! They have an amazing transit system, so we took their Metro all over town. We got in on Thursday and were pretty wiped out from the 6 hour drive. After a brief nap, we had to hit the beach. We found this beautiful place called Sunset Cliffs where we watched crazy surfer dudes catching some waves before sunset.

The Princess and I were dying to get our hands in the water, so we drove a little further up the coast until we found a public beach. Where I could really feel the water. I was standing with my feet just barely at the edge of the surf, looking at my feet and a big wave came in up to my jeans-clad knees!! I started screaming and running back to the shoreline (that water was freaking cold!) where I proceeded to drop my phone in the water that I forgot was in my pocket. Needless to say the first thing on the agenda when I came back into town was to get a new phone. Saltwater + cell phone = dead phone. Enough said.
The Princess loved the beach and she was just so very happy to stand there and let the water rush over her toes. I got lots of hugs, lots of "I love you Mommy" and one of the happiest days in a long time.

The Star was a tad bored at the beach, since there is no Xbox or iPods there.
Friday we took off early to go to look at an old historic hotel, the Del Coronado on Coronado Island. It is so beauiful and HUGE! They have done an amazing job restoring her.

Then, it was off to shop in the Gaslamp Quarter. Where clothes were bought and feet were sore. After that, we went to the Maritime Museum where we got to board the HMS Surprise (the ship in Master and Commander), the Star of India and Brian and the Star went inside a Russian submarine (I'm claustrophobic, no freaking way was I getting in there).

Then we went on a tour of the bay on the oldest Pilot ship in the country.

Afterward we went out for a really nice dinner and did a little more shopping. It was an exhausting, but great day.
Saturday, our last day in town, we decided to take the Metro down to Tijuana for some shopping and Mexican food eating. The weather was a little rainy, but that didn't stop us from getting some great bargains on knock-off sunglasses and purses, clothes, pottery and stained glass. No pictures because I didn't feel comfortable pulling my expensive digital camera out of my bag. Tijuana can be a little scary. After a great meal (yes, you can eat the food there and drink bottled water), it was back to the hotel for a quiet New Year's Eve celebration. Complete with Brian falling asleep at 12:02. LOL
We are back home again, but we had such a great time. The kids had fun, were fun to be around (ok, most of the time!) and I'd love to go back there again.

Happy New Year everyone!!
Posted by Heather at 1:28 PM