It will be my Smooshy!
Ok, I mangled a line from one of my all-time favorite movies. But still, I love me the Smooshy. I think the mailman was playing with my Smooshy, because even though Erin at Eat.Sleep.Knit shipped on Saturday, I didn't get it until Thursday! And it was shipped Priority Mail! I've always sworn it takes forever for things to get here in
It quickly became...

And on Friday night I finally picked a pattern and started knitting. The yarn is truly lovely to work with and I love the color more every time I pick it up. These are for me! Imagine that, hmm? I can't wait to wear them. Speaking of which. Those of you that knit socks and wear them, how do you show them off? What shoes do you wear them with? I'm looking for new clogs, but I have trouble with ones that have too high an arch. **ETA - Helps if I include the picture, hmm?

Of course, no blog post of mine would be complete without some baby knitting. I finally figured out what I had to do about not getting gauge on Anouk and started knitting yesterday (In the recommended yarn and colors. I NEVER do that! I'm a little over pink right now.) while it rained all day (a rare occurrence here in Arizona) and we watched movies. However, I'm not so sure I figured it all out right. It looks small and I was hoping it would fit the baby when she is 6 months old. The bottom is 12" across. My math is telling me that it should be 12.25 for the small. What do you think?

I finished the Baby Bell Bottoms.

You can see that they are not all pink. Because I ran out of yarn. Even though there were 2 knots in each skein, I still wouldn't have had enough. So, if you plan on making these, make sure to order an extra skein. Unless you like a contrasting waistband, of course. :)
Yarn: Knitpicks Shine, Blush
Needles: Knitpicks Options (I LOVE these needles), size 6
Time to knit: A few evenings (with plenty of interruptions)
Also note that as you are knitting the top, what you think is the back is actually the front. Keep that in mind when you find yet another d&*m knot in the yarn. I loved the yarn, but that just pisses me off. I plan on knitting another pair in purple, just the 6 months size. I have 3 skeins of yarn, which should be plenty.
Thank you for your get well wishes! I'm doing better, I just wish that I could get rid of the cough.
I've also been sewing, but that's for another post. Meanwhile, I think I want a serger.
Back to the baby knitting factory!
**Special thanks to my personal photographer, Brian. Love ya, babe.**
Posted by Heather at 3:33 PM
I love Smooshy too-- and their Classy and Baby. That's a great color. All of the baby knits are so cute!
Love you too (smooch)...
Hmm guess that would be K1C2hubby..hehe
Hey you!
Didn't know you were back to blogging. Glad to hear you are on the mend and back on the needles.
I've missed you,
Lisa xo
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