Ok, ok...I'll knit
Been awhile since I posted, huh? Things haven't been great around the Casa. In fact, bad could be the understatement of the year. But, I continue to have hope that it will get better. I dare not say it can't get worse. Life will call you on that one, for sure.
I do still plan on distributing my stash yarn. Just give me a little time to get my head back together. One more thing on my plate and it might just break.
After a frenzy of knitting, I didn't knit for weeks. I just couldn't. I was too damn depressed. Now, you know you are starting to bug your hubby when HE suggests you knit. And since Brian knows me better than anyone, I listened. And I'm glad I did. This weekend I picked up the needles and finished several projects that were sitting in my basket. Excuse the crappy pictures. The lighting in the house sucked and outside wasn't much better.
First up was to knit about 6 rows and seam the famous 5 hour baby sweater. It is knit from STASH yarn (I know, try not to faint), Lily Elite to be exact. I think I've had it for 3 years. Heh.

This is for a neighbor who is having her second baby, a little girl, in December. The shower is next weekend. I also found a pattern for matching hat and booties.

Cute, no? I had planned on making the Baby Kimono from IK, but I had a dilemma. The yarn Sarah gave me was gorgeous. However, it was fingering weight yarn. Did I really want to spend that much time on a little baby sweater? Not really. So, the cotton 5 hour sweater was perfect. And it might get more wear because of our weather and the ease of washing it.
Next to finish is a baby sweater for my nephew, Logan, who is due in February. I knit most of it while in Florida for my ex-husband's funeral. I stopped with about 4 inches to go in the hood. The knitting was finished on Sunday morning and I seamed it last night. I love seaming. Really. I love watching how mattress stitching comes together. Like a puzzle or something.

I loved knitting this sweater. The pattern is Daisy by The Yarn Harlot. Fabulous pattern. I used the yarn she recommended, Butterfly Super 10, which is a mercerized cotton yarn that I happen to love. Both this and the 5 hour sweater need blocking and buttons, which I will pick up tomorrow. Like my toe in the shot? I love pedicures where they paint flowers on my big toe. Hey, everyone has to have their thing.
Still on the needles is the Cece sweater. I came to a point where I was totally stuck. But, with the help of the brilliant Sarah, I think I can start on it again. Now I just have remember what we decided. And I have a month to finish it. Ugh.
I'll leave you with a hilarious picture. Brian left this bowl on our bed for just a minute while he was putting away Halloween decorations. Sadie couldn't resist. I think he wound up sleeping in there.

ETA: Sorry about the huge pictures. Photobucket and blogger hate me today.
Posted by Heather at 10:58 AM
The FO's look great. Love the photo of Sadie!
Kitties just love being in bowls and boxes don't they?
I hope things get better for you soon.
Glad to read you again! Good attitude about things looking up. And yay for your DH for poking you in the direction of the needles again. Beautiful FOstvtzzm
Love the kitty shot. I always loved to leave a brown paper grocery bag on the floor as if I'd forgotten it to see which cat would get in it or on it first. Kooky gatos!
What is it about the past two months - I have been in a slow-mode re: knitting. Glad you are back in the swing - the sweters look great!
I HATE seaming (which is why my preference is topdown knitting) but I agree that the mattress stitch is cool!
Sending lots of love your way from someone who knows what down feels like. How 'bout you and me agree to a better 2007?
blissfulknitter AT gmail DOT com
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