Knit crazy
See what happens when I don't knit for a few weeks? I go knitting crazy. This weekend Cece and I spent some quality time together.

I have about 6 inches done of the body with 5 more to go. I'm making the body 2 inches longer. This is such a fun knit. The pattern rows are easy to remember, making for a fast knit as well. Not bad for my second sweater, huh?

I really love this sweater and I'm hoping my stepmom will, too. There will be another one for me one of these days.
I also started knitting a baby sweater for my nephew who is due in February. My sister doesn't like pastels, so I thought red would be a good choice. The pattern is Daisy, by the Yarn Harlot without any of the embellishments. I'm knitting the hooded sweater.

Not a great picture, but you get the idea. I'll also be starting the baby kimono from IK with yarn Sarah and I are going to trade for. It's the same yarn she knit her kimono with. I loved the colors and she had enough left over to share. So nice of her! My neighbor is having a girl in December, so I thought it would be perfect.
Did I mention I missed knitting?
Posted by Heather at 5:19 PM
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