Is that a word? Is now! A long, long time ago Heather knit a sock. It was a beautiful sock. However, it seemed a tad tight when she tried it on. Not to worry, it would fit fine, she stupidly thought. You know how second sock syndrome goes. The yarn sat in her bag for quite awhile. Until she wanted to knit the second too small sock. And couldn't find the yarn. Anywhere. So, she happily took the project off her WIP list and shoved it in a bag. Until Pam found it in the bag of yarn I
Trying to be a good little knitter, I've been working on and finishing old projects. So, I pull out the lonesome sock. And well...

Yea, my foot ain't fitting in that sock. What the hell was I thinking? So, it is now this.

Now it is just stash yarn again!! Do you know what that means? I have 3 projects. Just 3. I'll always have a charity sweater going, so that doesn't really count. We have the blanket that was always going to be a very long-term project. That leaves us with...

Jaywalkers. Sigh. I'm still only on the heel flap. I resolve, no new projects until they are finished. If everyone out there in blogland loves these socks, why don't I?
Posted by Heather at 9:08 AM
Ggood for you for being brave enough to frog a finished sock. I have a couple sweaters I need to do that to!
I love your Jaywalker sock, but if you are not feeling the love...frog it and work on something you enjoy. I love knitting socks, but once in awhile I find myself knitting a sock I don't like. Sometimes it's the pattern, sometimes it's the yarn, but usually it's the combination of the two that aren't "doing it" for me. I find it complete drudgery to complete a SECOND sock, when I didn't like the first one. Save yourself now. :)
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