Hot fun in the summer time
So, what's a girl to do when it is 111 outside and she hates the heat? She watches movies all day and knits socks, that's what she does!

Or to be more specific, she finishes 2 heel flaps and turns the heel. The best part about this huge heel? That it has a long gusset, so now I only have like 3 1/2 inches of foot to knit.

That heel flap looks big, doesn't it? I was getting worried, but I've tried the socks on
I've resisted casting on for another project...for now. Must.finish.socks.
Posted by Heather at 7:50 AM
They look great!
You are in the home stretch!
You can do it!
They look awesome, can't wait to see them done!!!
So cute! I love those colors.
Envious beyond belief!
Hey - re: my beaded shawl... I used the Shapely Shawlette pattern - here is a link -
It turned out awesome, and always turns heads when I wear it.
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