A very crafty weekend
This past weekend was the weekend we could officially start the Christmas decorating. Despite my hatred of Christmas anything appearing on store shelves prior to November 1st, I LOVE to go all out in my house. I want the lights on my house to look like the movie Christmas Vacation (we are SO far from being even close) and would be really happy if we could have every single room in the house decorated. This year, we will be hosting Christmas dinner. Every year I stick decorations in the bathroom, but something isn't right because my shower curtain isn't feelin' the Christmas love. Until this past weekend.

Yeppers, I made my own shower curtain. 4 1/2 yards of Christmas fabric, purchased on sale at JoAnn's (yea, I went there the day after Thanksgiving). No, there isn't a white spot on the curtain it is the reflection of the stupid towel bar when the flash went off. And yes, I made the little curtain rings, too. Aren't they just too cute (feel free to barf now). The teenagers REALLY think I'm nuts now. Heh.
I also finally finished the bolero for my niece. I will never make this thing again. Way too much work for a very little sweater. When you have to pick up 331 stitches around the entire body, something is very wrong.

Cute, huh? That kid better wear it until it falls off her body. Or my sister ruins it in the dryer. For which I will have to kill her.
Remember this?

The gorgeous Flower Basket Shawl that I finished forever ago. Well, I never wear it because it is too short. So, I called up the LYS that I purchased the yarn from and miracle of miracles, they still had some of the same dye lot in stock. So, I'm going to rip out the border and add several rows until it is much larger.
What did the cats do during this weekend of craftiness? Well, Tigger (original name, I know) curled up on my jacket for a nap.

Pretty cute when he isn't being psychotic, isn't he?
Posted by Heather at 9:54 AM
your projects are so cute. At least you can decorate without fear of things being ripped down or broken (at least by your own children), who knows what the cats do.
LOVE your shower curtain. Very cute.
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