So funny, I can't even stand it
Is this hysterical or what?

It's Darth Tater! I can't even stop laughing.
However no one in my house thinks it is funny. These people are so boring.
Posted by Heather at 8:11 PM
Is this hysterical or what?
Posted by Heather at 8:11 PM
Cute, isn't he?
*wheeze* Heather, I am your Side Dish *wheeze wheeze*
So funny & cute!
Adorable! I have him sitting on my desk right now! =)
He's the perfect mix of ferocious and terrible with cute and squeal-inducing.
I have him! He RULES :) I've actually found you can play a nice game of ring toss with some stitch markers and his light sabre hehee
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