Monday, Monday
How can it be Monday again? I want my weekend back! It was a good one, though.
Saturday brought a surprise from my Secret Pal!

Aren't they cute? Stitch markers from Zephyr. I love them! My awesome SP also gave me a gift certificate to Adagio Teas which I quickly blew on several yummy tins of tea. I'm not a coffee drinker and I love herbal tea. Their tea is divine. Thank you so much, Secret Pal!
We found all kinds of old favorite movies at the library last week and seemed to watch all of them this weekend. Mr. Holland's Opus (wonderful), A Civil Action (excellent), Born on the Fourth of July (great, but damn depressing) and a few others. This, of course, gave me lots of time to knit on the baby blanket.

Told ya I was cranking on it. That is skein number 3. Joan asked a few questions in the comments. I bought 4 skeins and I'll probably use all of it. So, I'm just past the halfway point. The feather and fan pattern I'm using is a repeat of 18 stitches. After knitting a gauge swatch (yea, I actually do this), I measured how wide the pattern repeat is. Whipping out my trusty calculator, I figured how wide I wanted the blanket to be. So, I cast on 154 stitches for 8 repeats of the pattern and 10 extra so I would have a 5-stitch garter stitch border on each side. I also knit 5 rows of garter stitch in the beginning and will do the same at the end. The blanket is being knit on size 10 needles and I'm really happy with the density of the fabric. I knit loose and 10 1/2 was a little too loose. I thought I would be bored out of my mind with the pattern, but I'm not. Like the Clapotis, it has a few mindless rows with 1 you have to think about tossed in. Keeps it interesting, but also is great for movie knitting. I'm really hoping to finish it by next weekend. The yarn is beautiful and I like working with it. Not bad for a $22 gift, huh?
In teenager related news, I think something is definitely wrong. Star was told on Friday, that if he didn't COMPLETELY clean out his
And in case you were wondering about the Princess...grounded, again. For breaking the same damn rule as last time.
My next purchase? A tape recorder so I can stop repeating the same thing over and over and over again...
Posted by Heather at 7:48 AM
Thanks Heather for the info on your feather and fan. I've saved it and will plan to make it for the next baby gift I need. It's really turning out well and I'm sure the new baby and mom will enjoy. I like to read your blog! Joan in Michigna
Boy do I hear you on needing a tape recorder so I can replay myself saying the same things over and over! Insanity is inherited...we get it from our teenagers!
The baby blanket is beautiful.
I reallllllllyyyy like that F&F blanket. I think I understand the pattern. But if you get a minute, it's 5 garder, 10 f&f, and 5 garder. Right? I can find the F&F on the net I know. Boy, is that pretttttyyyyy or what??
Those stitch markers are the cutest! And your blanket,'s going to be awesome!
Love the blanket. What a wonderful gift/keepsake it will make.I always tell pregnant women to study LaMaze well, as they will need it in 14 years. Have heart...those exasperating teens will grow up to be fabulous people (ok, so two out of three did, but those aren't such bad odds, are they?).
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