Weekend craziness
Been an interesting weekend here at Casa de la Cranky Teenagers. I got word that my friends who are adopting a baby left on Saturday to bring the baby home! Earlier than expected, so I've been knitting like crazy to finish the blanket. I'm hoping to be done this week.
I've pretty much had a headache for 3 days since the Star cannot seem to stop talking unless he is sleeping. Grounding = boredom which then = mom being driven nuts. Been a long weekend, let me tell you.
I also did something this weekend I've been contemplating for probably 7 years. I got a tattoo today as an early birthday present.

Isn't it beautiful? Brian drew it based on a few ideas I had. The spotting in the blue will heal and then it will be perfect. I really love it and I'm so happy that I finally sucked it up and did it. Yea, it hurt, but it wasn't unbearable.
Off to play Monopoly with the kids then cheer for my Steelers in tonight's game. Hope everyone out there had a wonderful weekend!
Posted by Heather at 4:58 PM
She is beautiful!!!!!
Heather I LOVE it!!!!
Beautiful Tattoo!!! I have a beautiful goddess tattoo on my leg with my son's initials. LOVE IT!
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