Log cabin fever
As I mentioned, I'm going to be an aunt again. My sister should be due around March. I'm taking this as prime opportunity to knit all kinds of baby things. First thing on the needles.

A log cabin baby blanket in "jewel" colors. Her choices, not mine. The colors are a little off in the picture, though. Such a fun pattern! A little brainless, but with enough to do that it isn't boring. I can see how it is addictive. I stayed up until 1 am working on it. That bag under my desk? Nooo...that's not the afghan in progress. Look away!
I'm still slugging away at the shawl. I have 3 more repeats of the beaded section and then a few garter rows and I'm done! Still fun to knit, but the beaded rows take a long time and hurt the pads of my fingers. Knitting continental would be such a help here, but I just can't get it. Too many years of crocheting. My old left-hand fingers don't want to learn a new yarn holding trick.
A small victory on the teenager front. The Star isn't liking working at a fast food place so much anymore. It's hard work, he says. Really?!? Wow, wonder who tried to tell him that when he insisted he really wanted to work there instead of a clothes store. I've resisted saying "I told you so". Heh. When asked if he wanted to continue getting shitty grades so he could continue working that kind of job the rest of his life, his response was something along the lines of "hell no".
Summer punishment objective achieved. Heh.
Posted by Heather at 9:47 AM
Ooo, that log cabin blanket is going to be so pretty.
Sometimes kids have to learn on their own, eh? Glad he's found out how horrible some jobs can be now.
Don't you find yourself knitting just a few more rows so you can change colors? That is going to be a great baby blanket.
The life lessons you can't teach your kids. LOL. You did a great job biting your tongue. Sometimes it's better to let them think they've had an Einstein thought.
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