I'm baaaack...
Didn't ya miss me?
Well, I survived. Things with my family? Pretty much the way I expected. I'm thankful for the trips out there to remind me why I live 2,000 miles away from some of them. Jeesh. The quincenera was quite the event with the Princess having the time of her life. Well, if you don't count the fact that she was pretty sick. And her father (who organized the event) was 45 minutes late and she had to stand in the bathroom waiting until he decided to show up. Here is the Princess with a friend she has had since Elementary school. They were so cute. They hadn't seen each other in a long time and cried when they hugged.

I did get to spend time with my niece and nephew, who I miss so much. I'm trying to talk my sister into letting them fly out here someday alone. Vacation with them alone = wonderful. Vacation with them AND my sister = torture. I've never known anyone so miserable.
Much knitting was accomplished on the way out and at my 2 days of bliss at my parent's house. But knitting on a plane with beads is quite tricky, so I did 5 hours of Suduko puzzles on the way back home. Heh.
There is some good news. I'm going to be an aunt again (not by the cranky sister, thank God). Let the baby knitting and sewing begin!
Posted by Heather at 10:26 AM
Congrats on becoming an aunt again and the DD looks AMAZING!!!
Welcome home, we've missed you.
The Princess looks gorgeous.
Welcome back. DD is beautiful! And congrats on becoming an aunt again. I love spoiling my sisters' kids, and knitting for babies is so much fun.
Congrats on being an aunt again! Babies are always good news.
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comment! Om shanti!
Glad to hear that the Princess had a nice time... but did you?!
I don't blame you wanting to avoid those toxic family members. I have a couple too.... If only they would be more LIKE US. Heh.
DD is STUNNING!!! Ah, they grow up so quickly. Congrats on becoming an aunt once more. Knitting for babies is the best! Try my favorite - Top Down For Toddlers!!
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