I have the best Secret Pal EVER. Lookie at what I got!!

Bath fizzies and the most adorably (is that a word?) packaged knit kit. The company is called Pick Up Sticks and I totally love how it looks like Chinese take-out. The pattern is for little felted flowers. I see many, many of these cute little goodies gracing my
Seems as though I have caught the clap again.

Excuse the crappy picture. My photo editing software sucks. This version is being knit in SWTC Oasis in the Desert colorway. I got the yarn when I turned in my last test knit for them. The color looks a bit washed out in the picture and since I took it 3 days ago (yea, I know. You try blogging on a semi-regular basis with softball, baseball, teenagers who are abandoning you for 5 weeks) I've made quite a bit of progress on her. Especially last night, since the wonderful Sarah lent me her ghetto needles so I didn't have to suffer using straights until I could haul my butt up to Fiber Factory for some Addi circulars since my Susan Bates were dragging with the yarn.
Met up with my awesome friends from my SnB group last night. Pam, Melanie, Eva, Sarah, Kathy and I all met so we could welcome Nancy back to
The kids leave tomorrow at 9am. I'm so torn, I can't stand it. While I could sure use some time alone with the hubby, some peace and quiet (no fighting, no whining, no 2am phone calls, did I mention no fighting?)...I just cannot believe I will be away from my children for 5 weeks. That is a long time. I've never been without them for this long. They are excited and I'm happy for them. But, I will miss them more then they will ever know. Of course, now the Princess doesn't want to go since she has a boyfriend. Go figure.
Posted by Heather at 10:14 AM
So glad you like it! I was nervous at first - but after seeing all your felted bags, I knew you would like it!
Have fun with your 5 weeks of peace!
That is a really cool kit. Did it come with needles?
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