All is quiet...too quiet!
There are a few drawbacks to sending the kids to Florida for 5 weeks. I'm stuck with their chores, there isn't enough laundry to make full loads, no one to tuck in and kiss goodnight, no fighting, no messes, no one calling me Mommy and no one is needing me. To make me feel better while I'm slaving away at work so they can lounge around all summer, they have their grandparents send me pictures of them having a horrible time.

Rough life. They are asleep in my parents boat after a day cruising the Myakka River in Port Charlotte. God, I miss them.
Onto the knitting front, since now I have nothing to do all evening and the weekends. I'm nearing the end of the straight section on the Clapotis. Wow, this thing is going to be HUGE. More like a blanket for a small child. I got pissed at the Flower Basket Shawl after it made me screw something up, so I shoved it in my project bag. I don't think my brain is functioning well enough to figure out how to do lace. It's official, it ain't the yarn, it is me. Bah.
Posted by Heather at 1:20 PM
5 Comments have to concentrate and I have figured that I have to put in markers EVERY repeat AND get used to the repeats before I can knit when someone else is around or the tv is on in the background!
Ah ha...I'm right there with you!! Email Becky at Knitting Interrupted at Silly Girl has made THREE. She has good 'notes' for it on her side bar too.
Yek. Heat. Hot. Yek.
Nah, it's the lace.
I know where you're coming from. I dumped three lace projects before I found one that wasn't stupid (must be the pattern, certainly not me). I am doing the Meadow Flowers shawl from Knitter's Stash. Believe me if I can handle it, you could too.
And the kid thing? Sent my daughter to New Brunswick for 10 days with the grandparents and had a devil of a time. (Cried like a baby when she left). What is it with them drivin' ya nuts but them missing them like hell?
Motherhood, sheesh.
I'm somewhat back on track with FBS. I'm using cut up soda straws with a slit in it. I'm putting one before each repeat so I can at least tell somewhat where I'm at. Then I can pull them off when I want. Make sense? I use Yellow Stickies and move them 3 stitches at a time. THAT is maddening. BUT I finally got past ONE WHOLE REPEAT SECTION - 10 ROWS - without having to FROG again. (success dance). You'll get there. In previous post I meant 'go' to Becky's site and get her FBS notes. You don't have to email her for the info.
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