I am in love...again.
Who is the object of my new-found affection?

My little Clapotis. Isn't she pretty (No, that isn't a huge stitch marker it is a rock. Why a rock? Because it kept curling back on the circulars)? After much encouragement from my

This yarn is exactly what I wanted my Clapotis yarn to be. Extremely soft, drapey, not stiff (like the Bamboo and another TLC acrylic I tried), a hand-painted look and cheap. $15 bucks for the yarn. I live in the freaking desert, how often will I actually wear this? Not enough to spend $120 for the yarn the pattern calls for. Plus, with my tendency to be a total klutz, if I spent that much on the yarn, you could pretty much guarantee I'd ruin the thing the second time I wore it. Ask my poncho about that.
Met up with some of my friends from Stitch n' Bitch last night at Cupz. Sarah, Eva, Ashley, Alison, Mary (?) and Jude where there when I cast on her first stitches. I am so glad I went. I was desperate to get out of the house
Yesterday I was chosen to be a test orderer for the online site of Wendy's hangout, Knit Happens. What did I buy? Oh...some Noro Kuryeon and some Lorna's Laces to make 2 new purses. Err, I mean bags. Stay tuned tomorrow when I take the first step in the Felted Bags Anonymous program and post pictures of all the bags I've made in the last year. This could be tough.
Posted by Heather at 8:43 AM
Felted bags...you always need more bags for UFO knitting projects.
You got really far on your Clapotis. How are those ghetto needles and ACRYLIC yarn working for you?
Do you get your order for free being a test orderer?????
What exactly is a test orderer???
Long Island
Oh yea, that's it Sarah help me justify some new yarn. That's what friends are for, right?
Bonnie - Knit Happens started a new online store and needed people to test the site by ordering. In exchange, we got 10% off. Not that great a deal because the yarn is a bit expensive and the shipping pretty much canceled it out. But, I wanted to help launch the site because she seems like such a wonderful person.
I love your Clapotis - the yarn looks great. If anyone turns up their nose at you they are just being snobby.
Your list of questions for your teenagers cracked me up. I especially liked the pouring milk and not bringing it to the table!
Where do they go for the summer?
Thanks for the compliment on my blog! I got the template from here: http://www.thisisliz.com/lizard/ you'll see my template on the homepage LOL. These aren't the best templates to use for beginners, though, because they still take a lot of work after you put the info into blogger. I have some pretty ones that you can just copy and paste the code from the source code to your blogger template. To use them: go to the website, go to "view" in the menu bar, and click on "source." Then copy and paste everything from the source into your blogger template screen. Make sure you save your sidebar someplace and add it in later. Here are the links:
E-mail me if you are confused.
Ok Ok I know you don't want to hear this... but:
I forgot to tell you Tuesday tonight - I have two full bags of yarn that I am also throwing on ebay...
One is a bag of 10 balls of navy cotton from SWTC. Each ball has 228 yards (5sts and 8 rows per inch).. It's their Beyond Cotton
And I have 100% wool "Peruvian Highland Wool" 8 balls of a pretty royal blue and four balls of a pretty navy blue - this is totally feltable... each ball has 109 yards (19 sts and 24 rows)
I am asking exactly what I paid for them - the cotton $25 for the bag, and the wool $35 for the bag...
Let me know if you are interested in either--- I thought about it after you left and figured it was worth dropping you an email:-)
Oh and the wool is perfect for a felted bag!!!!
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