I'm clearly an obsessed knitter. First, I should clarify. I'm the kind of person that will make light or fun of just about everything. When the Princess needed staples in her head after falling off a bench at school, I made her laugh the whole time telling her that everything she learned was leeking out her head. "Oh no, there goes the 3 times tables!". Yea, I'm a little warped.
So yesterday, when a violent case of vertigo (Caused by a severe middle ear infection. Who knew? My ear doesn't even hurt!) sent me to the ER, I wouldn't let the nurse put the IV in my hand. Because I'm a knitter, you know. I swear, the look she gave me could have melted ice.
To clarify a little about the giveaway. You can use the yarn to crochet or knit for whatever charity you like. If you don't have one in mind, you can send it back to me for distribution through Arizona Warming Families or to the Dulaan project.
I'm headed back to the couch. So the room can stop moving. Ugh.
Posted by Heather at 11:47 AM
Yarn giveaway - with "strings" attached
I have more acrylic yarn than I'm ever going to use in a lifetime. Most of it is Red Heart. Which I still think is perfect for couch afghans (I have one I crocheted 10 years ago on my couch. It is still soft and looks great. Except for the holes the cats chewed in it. Ingrates.) and charity knitting (wears like iron and holds up to any kind of washing).
I'd like to give most of it away to a good home. Here is where the strings part comes in.
It has to be used for charity knitting. You can either send the items back to me, to be distributed through my charity
Arizona Warming Families or to the
Dulaan Project. I'm cooking up a little contest, too, so take pictures of what you made.
Sound good? Interested? Leave a comment with your email address and I'll contact you for your shipping address. Shipping to you is on me :)
Posted by Heather at 11:42 AM
Knit crazy
See what happens when I don't knit for a few weeks? I go knitting crazy. This weekend Cece and I spent some quality time together.

I have about 6 inches done of the body with 5 more to go. I'm making the body 2 inches longer. This is such a fun knit. The pattern rows are easy to remember, making for a fast knit as well. Not bad for my second sweater, huh?

I really love this sweater and I'm hoping my stepmom will, too. There will be another one for me one of these days.
I also started knitting a baby sweater for my nephew who is due in February. My sister doesn't like pastels, so I thought red would be a good choice. The pattern is
Daisy, by the Yarn Harlot without any of the embellishments. I'm knitting the hooded sweater.

Not a great picture, but you get the idea. I'll also be starting the baby kimono from IK with yarn
Sarah and I are going to trade for. It's the same yarn she knit her kimono with. I loved the colors and she had enough left over to share. So nice of her! My neighbor is having a girl in December, so I thought it would be perfect.
Did I mention I missed knitting?
Posted by Heather at 5:19 PM
Knitting again
Twice in a week? Try not to faint.
I'm loving knitting
Cece. No, not my blogfriend and SP extraordinaire,
Cece, but the pattern by the fabulous
Bonne Marie. When I pulled it out at knitting the other night I was so lost. I didn't know where I was in the pattern, since I hadn't touched it since my post in August, and couldn't figure it out for the life of me. I sat down last night determined to find my way. Finally some light bulb clicked on in my head and now I'm knitting happily along. It really is a beautiful sweater and the yarn is just so soft and nice to knit with. You can see a picture below. I've done 2 more repeats of the lace pattern since the picture was taken.
It's funny. Brian is happy I'm knitting again. I think it calms me down and keeps my mind off Cranky Teenagers, work and health issues. And out of his hair:) I've missed knitting.
Thank you for your supportive comments. I'll be ok, just need to find my way a bit.
Posted by Heather at 10:20 AM
Has it really been almost a month since I posted? Where does time go? Since my last post I hadn't knit at all until last night. Not a stitch. Hasn't stopped me from wanting to buy yarn, though. But I've resisted so far. I think yarn hoarding is another obsession all on it's own. Hey...that works! I "collect" yarn. No one says anything about my thimble collection, so why can't I have a yarn collection? Good Lord I'm my own worst enabler.
Things remain the same around Casa de la Cranky Teenagers. The Star is actually getting good grades (did I just see a few flakes fall from the sky?!?) which has to do with the fact that he is in love and wants to be able to go out every weekend with the object of his adoration. Heh. Nothing like a little blackmail, huh? But, she is a very sweet girl and they are totally happy together. They are the best of friends, too. The Princess is well...the Princess. And I love her :)
I wasn't going to blog about this, but I need to get over myself. Since I last posted I was diagnosed diabetic. Granted, my numbers are low. But it scared the shit out of me and threw me for a total loop. Adjusting my food, pricking my freaking finger every morning...not easy to get used to. Hence the lack of knitting, going to knitting last week and doing anything more than figuring out what I have to do to get my act together. With a few nights of crying added in. I'm not one to sit around and mope about things for long, so now I'm hitting the gym every morning and trying to adjust to that schedule. Thank God for my crazy family and a wonderful friend who has helped more than she knows.
So nope, I haven't disappeared. Just trying to figure out life a little.
Posted by Heather at 10:29 AM