All kinds of fun
Things have been busy 'round Casa de la Cranky Teenagers. All kinds of dance tryouts for the Princess. General pissiness from the Star. Busy with work. You know, the normal chaos of my life.
As I mentioned before, I didn't get the Gold in the Knitting Olympics due to my wrists staging a protest. But, I did get the sweater finished I'm donating to the Dulaan Project.

I really like how it turned out. Knit cuff-to-cuff, it is a pretty quick knit and makes a nice fabric on 10 1/2 needles. This is a size 6 I think. I'll be making a matching hat, too. 4 skeins gone from the stash, baby!
Progress on the Jaywalker Socks is finally moving along at just over a snail's pace.

The other sock (I'm still knitting 2 at once) looks the same, so I figured I'd go for detail on the pic. If you want to make these, don't be a dufus like me. Make sure you can count to 8 and can follow a simple pattern repeat. I only had to frog an inch of the pattern repeats 3 times.
Inspired by Melanie, I started a gnome from the Simply Knitting insert. Sure looks just like a gnome, doesn't it?

The pattern is written a little odd, but I'm getting it.
I'm trying to have a few different types of knitting on my needles so that my wrists get a break from the repetitive motion.
And this?

This is all Eva, Nancy and Mac's (my first Secret Pal spoilee) fault. I couldn't resist the pressure anymore. Thanks to my friend Sarah, I have a spindle and some really pretty roving. She is so good to me. But look!! It is a wee little skein of yarn. Isn't it so cute? I'm so proud of it. And very appreciative of Eva and Nancy for their help tonight in sharing their
I now just need more roving. Or a goat. Or sheep. Hey...what about the cats? Let's start with this one. Who apparently thinks my

Posted by Heather at 9:43 PM
Wow! For someone with wrist issues - you are getting a lot done!
The sweater is cute, and I admit to being a bit tempted by the spinning bug.
Missed ya last night!
Great job with the spinning. I think I know which roving it was that you used!
Yay for you learning to spin!
Love the sheep! So sweet. It was nice catching up with you last night. :)
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