Finally, time to post! As I said before, my birthday rocked! What made it even better was getting together with my knitting friends the day after. There was lots of wine, yummy cheese, cards and presents. Sarah, who shared the birthday celebration, gave me a bag of much-needed knitting notions (where do all those point protectors go, anyway?) that included a way cute sheepie tape measure. Pam gave me a beautiful notepad and a funky box. I love containers. I'll be storing my DPNs in there. The week before my birthday, Kelli gave me the most wonderful present. Something I've been wanting to make for myself for a long time. A needle case that she made for me! I am so touched by my wonderful friends. Thank you again everyone for making my birthday rock!

As you know, my anniversary was coming up. Brian and I decided, with all the holiday craziness, not to exchange Anniversary gifts. Until, I saw THIS!!

Yeppo, baby!! We were shopping at Target and as we were leaving, this was on the return desk! I was beside myself (and probably got quite a few strange looks) and Brian admitted he had been looking for one to give me for Christmas (hey, who said just because I'm getting old I'm actually an adult?). So, we went back and bought him and now he is all mine! Now, I just need Spud Trooper to complete the set. See his little potato masher? Freaking hysterical, I tell you. And yes, the teenagers let me know that I am officially insane. Heh. I can't wait to tell my grandchildren one day that their grandfather bought me a Mr. Potato Head for our first anniversary.
Posted by Heather at 10:09 PM
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