In case you needed more proof that I was nuts, I'll regale you with a story of last year. As you know, my birthday is in December. Which sucks. As a kid I got lots of 2-in-1 gifts. Plus, with all the craziness of December, my birthday is hardly the production it should rightly be. My birthday should be a week-long celebration, people! Like everyone's birthday. Right? Ok, getting back to my story. So, seeing how I've always been a little bummed about my 2 major celebratory events occuring in December, you would think that I would opt for a June-ish wedding. There my dear friends, you would be wrong. Because what can add more stress and craziness to the holiday season than to get married ON CHRISTMAS EVE? In a town 2 hours away? When your parental units happen to be in town? Oy vey. So now ALL my gift-receiving opportunities are in December. Bah! I'm thinking we should celebrate the engagement, right? That was in June...perfect!
To redeem myself, our wedding was gorgeous. If not...chilly. You see, we got married in Sedona. Outside. Where it was barely 35 degrees. But gorgeous, huh?

Happy 1st Anniversay, babe (a little early). Yep, I love him more every day. And every day he probably thinks I'm a little more nuts. Heh. But I'm funny, right? Right?
Posted by Heather at 7:19 AM
Happy Anniversary Early!
I feel your birthday in December pain!
Happy early Anniversary. Here's to many more!
Happy anniversary!
WOW. Hands down one of the most beautiful scenes for a wedding I've ever slapped eyes on. Happy anniversary!!!!
Happy early anniversary! DH & I will be married 21 years on Dec. 22nd.
Kiddo's b.d. is on December 23rd and I have always been insistent that her birthday be totally separate from Christmas. (birthday wrapping paper, NOT Christmas wrap, birthday cake with no holiday flair, and we even hold her birthday party with friends in the Fall because it isn't well attended if held during Christmas holidays. We have a family celebration on her actual b.d. She also never gets multi-celebration presents or shorted.)
Happy Anniversary!! What a gorgeous view.
Happy Anniversary!! Congrats on finding Your two obviously love each other SO much!
I once had a December 27th anniversary...and loved it! We just made sure to separate the gifts. This marriage anniversary is in June, a week after my birthday....oy!!! This one gives me ONE (big) gift - probably because he can't figure out two separate things to get me.
Happy matter when, it's yours and yours alone (and Brian's, of course)!!
Congratulations! That DOES look like a beautiful day. May you have many more wonderful anniversaries!
Interesting tthoughts
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