Merry Christmas!
I hope everyone had a very happy Christmas, we did! Christmas Eve/our anniversary was spent exactly how I didn't want to spend it. Cleaning house and doing last-minute gift things. The in-laws were coming over for Christmas and since I'm a retentive clean freak, everything had to be perfect. When will I ever stop doing that? However, Christmas was wonderful. We have a tradition where the teenagers camp out in one of their bedrooms (they say because when they were little and shared a room they would talk half the night about their presents) and wake up together (sweet, huh?). I give them a time that is the earliest they can get us up and you can bet they are up the second that alarm goes off (Incidently, the same alarm clock that never seems to work when the Star has to go to school. Don't worry, he still got a new one from Santa. I'm sure that one won't work, either.). We then bring them their stockings to tear apart while we make coffee/tea and try to pry our eyes open. Then, the carnage begins!!

Santa, the kids and my Brian were all very good to me. There was a new robe (since Tigger chewed a hole in my other one), black Crocs (obviously not from the fashion-consious Princess), $60 certificate to my favorite LYS, a Steelers jersey, earrings, more gift certificates. And more stuff I can't even remember right now. The kids were really happy with their loot. Christmas is a big deal at my house because I don't buy them whatever they want all year. Big things are reserved for birthdays and Christmas only.
The in-laws decended around noon and there was more present opening. Then lots of eating. I made a ham, non-flying sweet potato casserole and fresh green beans that refused to cook. Lots of side dishes were brought over and we all ate way too much. Brian's family is very different from mine in how they celebrate holidays and it bums me out a little, I have to say. In my
All in all, it was a wonderful day. The kids had a blast, everyone loved their presents and it was officially my vacation!
The day exhausted Tigger and Olive. Poor things.

Posted by Heather at 1:10 PM
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