Sunday, Sunday...
Well, since I didn't win the lottery over the weekend, I guess tomorrow being Monday means I'm going to work. Don't get me wrong, I have the best job in the world, but I would love to do nothing my sit home and knit on Clapotis all day.

Excuse the picture. Not the greatest shot of her, but you can see how far I've come. I worked on her quite a bit yesterday during my son's baseball game and today while knitting with my friends at Coffee Rush (who has the best Chai on the planet). Am I still in love? Most definitely. I don't think I have ever been so enamored with a project. I thought by now I would be bored.
I want to thank everyone for all their comments, encouragement and wonderful emails. I have yet to figure out how
My poor kitty.

She had surgery on Friday to remove a lump. Nothing serious, but scary nonetheless. She is my baby and the sweetest cat I have ever known. She is doing so much better today. See what she is laying on? That right there made me fall even more in love with my hubby. He slept in a sleeping bag so that she could sleep next to him and not get hurt jumping on the bed and so he could check on her throughout the night. I know...awwww....
The teenagers survived the weekend. No major meltdowns, no screaming, no door slamming or other tragedies and drama. Obviously I'm doing something wrong because I didn't ruin anyone's life and I think my daughter might have said I was right on Saturday. Yes, I did mark it on the calendar. These things don't happen often.
Posted by Heather at 5:59 PM
Sounds like a great weekend! Yes, that was really nice of hubby to sleep on the floor with the kitty!
YOur Clapotis looks really nice and soft!
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