A crisis
For the past 2 days I've been reading the stories on the alarming stories coming from Niger in West Africa. To be blunt, they are starving to death. And the governments of the richest countries of the world are either doing nothing or taking their sweet time in sending aid.

A 10-month-old girl weighing just 7 pounds suffers from malnutrition in a hospital in Maradi, Niger. (photo from CNN)
This is breaking my heart. We live in a country with such excess. Yet in a country not so far away a child will die a horrible death from starvation while I drink my morning Starbucks and could stand to lose more weight than this child weighs. There is something so wrong with this.
Today I intended to order yarn that I "had to have" for my next shawl. That will probably get added to my ever-growing stash. Instead, I will be making a donation to Doctors without Borders. Want to join me?
Posted by Heather at 9:08 AM
yes...cuz I already figured I didn't need the yarn right away.
Thank you for posting this. I hate to think that my world is so small that I can ignore or not even notice such horrid situations. A donation is definitely in order.
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