49 hours
That's how long before The Princess had her first meltdown after coming home. Where I was reminded of how mean I am, how I never let her do anything and the classic...I'm ruining her life. Good thing I'm not losing my touch, eh? Of course she was crying and apologizing less than an hour later. Ahh...hormones. Oh, and it was less than 24 hours before they were fighting. I missed all this, right?
I'm sure you are wondering where all my knitting and crocheting stuff is (yea right, I'm sure it keeps you up at night). Well, I finished the Flower Basket Shawl.

And a close-up of the little baskets.

I am so pleased with how it turned out. A huge thank you to Sarah for listening to me bitch about it and helping me figure out how to knit lace. And to Wendy for inspiring me to want to learn how to knit lace and all her wonderful advice on how to start. I'm already on the look out for another lace project and this time I'll be using fingering weight yarn. A few things I learned along the way:
1 - This helped the FBS go from being shoved in a bag to actually being worked on and enjoyed. The FBS has a 10 row repeat section, which I repeated 6 times to get the size I wanted. Do yourself and your sanity a favor, write out each row on separate index cards.
2 - Count out your stitches occasionally and check your row counts. Ok, you don't have to be as obsessive as I was and count for every row, but it made a world of difference to me. I have the counts for the repeat section. If you want it, email me.
3 - If you are new to lace, this might be the perfect project. The pattern can be made with any size yarn and you can change the size of the finished project. I used a sport weight cotton since lace weight yarn is a total pain in the ass. Someday I'll get there, but not on my first project.
Next I've been crocheting a baby blanket for my friend, Melissa. Her shower is next month and I need to get on the ball.

And a close up of the stitch pattern.

This is one of my favorite stitch patterns for a baby blanket. Not too "holey" and not too dense for Florida. I'm using TLC baby which is so very soft and wonderful to work with. I should be done this week. It will be sent with the baby sweater I finished not long ago and I need to knit a little hat to go with it as well.
Happy knitting...or crocheting!
Posted by Heather at 9:44 AM
Your FBS looks great!
I am impressed!
It took 49 hours? You're obviously not trying hard enough to ruin her life.
The shawl is gorgeous!
Your FBS is amazing!!! I need to get on the band wagon with lace - just seems like WAY TOO MUCH trouble... alhtough the end product is so amazing...
Where did you get the pattern for the baby blanket you are crocheting and where can I get my hands on it... I love it too!
Beautiful perfectionist work on the flower basket shawl. It's gorgeous. Yes, I like your baby afghan stitch pattern too!!
That is one gorgeous shawl! Most impressive. I'm feeling the pull towards lace now. Who knew there were so many knitting options to explore?
WOW. Your FBS makes me want to give up socks for a bit and knit lace! Though I'd want to wear it around as soon as it was done- and it's a little hot, even for a beautiful shawl!
The FBS looks wonderful! Nice work!
Your shawl is GORGEOUS! So painstakingly perfect. I think it looks great on the blocking board, all it's little points so symmetrical....
This week
Monday -all quiet, and very lonely
Tues - kids get home, I am in happy tears all day
Wed - I have done it too, ruined my daughter's life (how dare I take her away from Indiana, land of culture and breeding.....)
Thurs - my 8- and 10-year-old daughters are in the pool, which they are convinced serves as a magical "cone of silence", and Daddy Steve and I hear them DISCUSSING WHICH BOYS THEY CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHEN THEY START SCHOOL AGAIN IN 2 WEEKS.
Fri - Still up at 3:30 am, in severe shock. Planning a call to the nuns when they open at 8 to see which all-girl program is right for a couple of otherwise brilliant girls who are grounded for life. Then I should schedule Stephen's cardiac therapy.
Sat - (just a guess)I get to know which of the liquour stores on my block carries the best vodka.
kikiluscious feels your pain
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