Knitting keeps me sane
Hard to believe that 2007 is coming to a close. Where did the year go? Doesn't it seem like we just did this last week?
When I sit down and try to write a blog post or email a friend, I think about how crazy things have been in the Casa, yet I have trouble coming up with lists of all that is going on. And when I do, I read it and say, "How can I be so busy, yet this is all I'm doing?". Work was really busy the last 2 months. I moved into a lovely new office that I had painted a pretty sage green. In the middle of that, I started my end-of-the-year audit. Toss getting ready for Christmas into the mix, and well, now I can see how I get so busy.
Things with the Princess are settling down. She isn't as sick as she was in the beginning and no where near as emotionally fragile. Hell, either am I. I'm no longer crying myself to sleep or throwing up from stress. My family has finally come to their senses about the baby and are trying harder to not be such twits about it all.
On December 24th (Which is also our wedding anniversary. Funny, 2 Pagans getting married on Christmas Eve. Long story.), we got an early Christmas present. Seems as though I'll be a Nana (which I picked for the baby to call me) to a baby girl. I'm finally starting to get excited, which has been a huge issue for me. I still have moments of despair, but it is getting better.
Through all the stress, I've been knitting like a fiend. The day we found out it was a girl, I went nuts with buying girly colored yarn and fabric. Brian just laughs, but is relieved I've found a way to channel all this emotion. The pictures aren't the greatest. We just bought a new camera and are still learning how to use it.
First up was my usual baby blanket - The Feather and Fan Baby Blanket. I've knit this pattern a few times and I never get tired of it. Knit, as always, in Encore. I followed the same pattern setup as I have every time I knit it.

I had originaly started this sweater for my nephew, but never got it done (bad Auntie Heather!). So, I finished it and knit a pair of Saartje's Booties (which are the cutest booties EVER) to go with it.

Butterfly buttons make it a little more feminine, I think. Too funny that I knit it from Butterfly 10 yarn. I didn't even think about that when I bought the buttons. I crack myself up.
The first pink project was something I swore I'd never make again. The Bunny Blanket Buddy from Lion Brand and is knit in VelvetSpun. It's hard on the hands to knit, the horribly written pattern has mistakes and it's impossible to weave in the ends. But it is so cute and soooo soft. So, I knit it with a smile on my face thinking of the baby snuggling it.

Of course, I had to knit a 5 Hour Baby Sweater Set. I really love this pattern, although I don't know who came up with the 5 hour estimate, takes me much longer. Maybe it is all the interruptions I get? I love the yarn. It's Patons Decor in the Florals Varigated. The clear buttons don't show well in the picture, but I wanted the yarn to be the star. It's so little!

Still on the hook is a crocheted afghan made out of Encore. I've made several of these over the years. I can crochet it without looking, so it stays in the car. I've worked on it at every one of Stephanie's doctor appointments and while Brian drives and am exactly halfway done.

I'm also swatching for Anouk from Knitty, but I can't get gauge! It's supposed to be 18 stitches to 4 inches on a size 6, but I'm up to an 8 and still can't get it. And the 8's are giving me a fabric that I think is too loose. I might just knit the smallest size and use a needle where I like the fabric. It will be bigger, but that's ok. I've been waiting forever for someone to have a girl so I could knit this. Anyone else have a better idea?
When the Princess was a little girl herself, I sewed all kinds of sundresses for her. She wants me to do the same for her little one, so I bought a few patterns and the most adorable material.
So, I guess that's why I've been so busy. Things are getting better and I'm hoping to not be such a hermit in the new year. Off to knit!
**P.S. When I originaly posted about the Princess being pregnant, I got some nasty emails from complete strangers who I've never heard from/of before. Really, if you googled your way here and want to be nasty, save it. Anything you have to say I've said to myself 100+ times. I don't need to feel like anymore of a failure as a mother than I already do.
Posted by Heather at 11:30 AM