So, yea, I've been doing a lot of knitting. As in, obsessed with it all over again. Seeing how hot it is here in
hell Arizona, I can't hike or be outside as much as I do when it isn't hot enough to
make jerky in my car. I'm also obsessed with
Ravelry. I usually leave it open all day on the boards and read when I need a break from the lovely thing called my job. It's truly one of the best things ever to come into the knitting world. It's expanded my list of what I want to knit (and my stash, go figure) as well as become a great place for knitting help. Of course, I'm there so much I forget I have a blog to update!
A few weeks ago, I was on the Navajo Reservation for a trip for work. There is a wonderful hotel right in Monument Valley that I was lucky (and my trusty trip sidekick, Brian. Best roadtrip buddy EVER.) to stay in. This is where I sat until midnight and where I got up at 5am to sit again to watch the sun come up.

Can't hate that, hmm?
The baby princess is getting so big! Her current loves are blueberries, calling everything "baby", hugging the cats (let me tell you how much they love that) and her books. Specifically, squishing herself into HER basket to read her books. My current love is watching her dance and seeing her have a fit of giggles.

How I adore this sweet little girl.
Posted by Heather at 5:23 PM
My work here is (almost) done
I can finally say I survived until they graduated.

The sigh of relief must have been heard around the world. I'm so proud of them both.
Posted by Heather at 6:30 PM
Several years ago, Brian and I started getting interested in backpacking. New for me, not so new for him. He'd done it before, but it had been years and his backpack was in sorry shape and very heavy. Over the years I'd checked out every book on backpacking and read each new Backpacker magazine and dreamed. But backpacking equipment isn't cheap and we couldn't really afford it.
Until now.
anal retentive list making and obsessing careful planning and making the most of some great sales, we finally had all our equipment! Right before and during the annual REI sale, we had gone there so many times the fabulous employees not only recognized us and knew our names, but we had a streak going on how many days in a row we had stopped by. Yea, we are freaks.
So finally...after years of dreaming, we were ready. As luck would have it, Brian's parents needed us to help them drive out to Silver City, NM for the summer and our first trip was in the works.
First, we went to the Gila Cliff Dwellings in the Gila Wilderness. Amazing! The largest I'd ever seen.

Then, it was time to slip on the packs and head out. We planned to hike in 2 miles and find a place to stay the night. Let me tell you, it takes some getting used to having 30+ pounds on your back and hiking! I'm glad we only hiked 2 miles. Kind of sucks that I've been able to hike 7 miles recently, but we will get there.

Neither of us took too many pictures, but this has to be the best hotel I've ever slept in. The Gila River was cold and perfect for a quick dip after a hot hike. And the filtered water was the best I'd ever drank. Waking in the middle of the night to see the moon and stars while snuggled in my sleeping bag really made it all worthwhile.
The bear tracks we found not far from our camp the next morning? Just a little scary.
Posted by Heather at 7:51 AM
What's this? More knitting? It must be a miracle!
I'm working on 2 new projects - a blanket for a dear friends new baby and a felted purse. Remember my little felted bag obsession a few years ago? Well...I still have some yarn to make more!
The blanket couldn't be simpler - just a YO at the beginning of each row, after the border. The yarn is Encore Colorspun - from the stash!

The bag is knit from some unknown yarn I bought while visiting my parents a few years ago. It is rather scratchy, so it's perfect bag yarn.

I'm really trying to reduce my stash, seriously this time. I've become overwhelmed with all the crap in my house and feel like I need to simplify. I donated 2 kitchen-sized trash bags of yarn through Ravelry to 2 women who knit for charity that don't have the funds to buy yarn for their projects. In addition, I'm selling/trading off some yarn I know in my heart I'll never use. Hopefully this will go quick on Rav, or I'm selling on eBay. When it's all said and done, I'll have gotten rid of probably 60 skeins of yarn. Shocking, hmm? Now I'm determined to knit up the rest.
And how could I leave you without a picture of the Baby Princess? She got new shoes and decided that they were really a necklace. Too adorable!
Posted by Heather at 11:30 PM
Warning, actual knitting content ahead!
Yea, yea...I know. How people blog with little ones around all the time is beyond me. More power to them!
I've actually been *gasp* knitting! And I took pictures to prove it! Hush,
Sarah. First up,
The February Lady Sweater. I LOVE it. It was fun and fast to knit, easy pattern and fits well. Were I not flopping around the house today in gym clothes, you might see a pic with me in it. Such is life.

And a close up of the lace:

Yarn: Lion Brand Cotton Ease
Color: Terracotta
Skeins: About 5 1/2
Next up is a
Twirly Skirt for the Baby Princess. This was an amazingly fast knit - it was done in a week! And stash yarn, too.

Yarn: Rowan Handknit Cotton
It's a little big on her, but I want it to fit this fall when it isn't 120 degrees in the shade.
In other news, said Baby Princess is 1 year old! Cranky Mommy Princess commented that time really does fly. I took a look at 19 year old Baseball Star and had to laugh. Yea, tell me about it.

I'll try to be a little better about blogging. Next for Brian and I? Backpacking! Wait until I tell you all about that.
Posted by Heather at 2:24 PM