I think I might have to try this again!
Ok, why haven't I blogged? So many reasons, but a good one is that I could not for the life of me figure out Hello to post pictures. It aggravated me to no end! Tonight I met up with Pam, Eva, Kirsten, Illana & ummm (I'm so sorry, I suck at remembering names - someone enlighten me!) at Coffee Rush for a bit of knitting (ok, they knit on beautiful things, Pam crocheted beautiful things and I knit on the shawl that will never, ever end). We were talking blogs and I admitted I was a moron when it came to figuring out how to post pictures. Thanks to the brilliance of our little group, I think I might just be able to do it!
What am I knitting? I'm so glad you asked! An adorable (if I do say so myself) baby sweater (for my dear friend in Florida who, after 10 years of trying, is pregnant) and the never ending shawl which is a test knit for SWTC. In the bag waiting to be started is another test crochet project from SWTC (what seems to be a gorgeous cropped sweater), a mohair scarf, socks for my hubby and the Snowdrop Shawl from the brilliant Yarn Harlot. Also, I'm going to start Clapotis as soon as humanly possible out of SWTC Bamboo in the tequila colorway. Eva, Kirsten and Pam's crochet version has me wanting my own clap (ok, that just doesn't sound right). We got to watch Eva drop her first stitch!
Now, I'm going to close with an adorable picture of my cat. Yes, he is asleep in my plant. I knew it wasn't my fault the damn thing died. (Wooo wee!! It worked!!)

Posted by Heather at 9:38 PM